Due to the recent spike in Cyber attacks on our club’s website, we will be disabling the comment feature on our website from 16 May 2023. The decision was made to reduce the attack surfaces on our website and after we analysed recent attack attempts. As comments are still available on our SNS, this move will cause minimal impact on fans’ experience when browsing through our website and SNS as the commenting feature on SNS is more interactive. Furthermore, most fans prefer to comment on SNS as they are able to tag their friends too. Hence, the decision to disable the least used feature on our website which opens up attack surfaces for Cyber attackers will benefit our club and better protect us from Cyber attacks.
Apart from disabling the comment feature, DFCSG has been monitoring and constantly strengthening its cyber security to protect our assets and data. We would like to remind our fans to exercise caution while browsing online. Though there were multiple attack attempts, our club’s website remains secured and all data are well protected. Rest assured that DFCSG strives to provide a safe environment for our fans and only uses services from well-established organisations to keep our service running.