
Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore’s response to COVID-19 pandemic – Update #1

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  • Post category:2020
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear all,

Due to the latest development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore, the management of Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore (DFCSG) has confirmed that the club will not be holding any 5th Anniversary Celebration physical events from now thru the end of June. More information can be found on our DFCSG 5th Anniversary Celebration Plan Changes – Update #3 notice.

The management of DFCSG would also like to inform all our fans that the safety of our fans and staffs is our utmost priority. Although physical services are suspended, DFCSG’s operations are currently not affected as we have been telecommuting since our club’s founding.

As all physical services are suspended, our e-Commerce platform, DFCSG e-Store will cease self-pickup option with immediate effect. However, local delivery options will still be available. For international shipping, fans are encouraged to contact us by sending an email to sales@doraemonfanclubsg.com to confirm on the latest lead time. All local DFCSG e-Store operations are currently not affected.

We would also like to take this opportunity to share on the latest essential information on what we can do now to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Stay at home at all times – Refrain from leaving home too frequently, only leave your home for essential needs, stay at areas within your neighbourhood and do not travel far, return home immediately after
  2. Practise safe distancing – Keep at least 1 metre apart from others whenever you are out
  3. Buy responsibly – Just buy what you need for the next few days to minimise your chances of going out, do not stockpile
  4. Minimise contact with others – Shop online, pay online, ask the delivery person to leave your items at you doorstep and collect them only after the delivery person have left.
  5. Visit a doctor immediately if you are sick, do not doctor-hop – If you are sick, wear a mask, visit a doctor, and stay at home
  6. Wash you hands with soap – follow the 8 steps to clean you hands, make sure you wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds
  7. Only believe in news from official sources (e.g. MOH) – if the source of the news is unclear, do not trust it, do not share it, it is most probably fake.
  8. Be socially responsible – if you are on SHN, stay home and do not go out!

#SGUnited, Together we can overcome!

Best Regards,
Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore


Founder of Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore